god’s DESIGN
for more in
married sex
see God’s goodness in your body & Your bedroom
a different kind of
sex talk.
Sex is not about a man’s need or a wife’s duty. And, despite what the world attempts to claim, God is the author and designer of erotic love and sexual intimacy.
With a Genesis garden vision, we see God gave us bodies, and called us very good. We can imagine the playfulness of intimacy that was naked and unashamed. Reclaim this garden vision, learn to celebrate how God designed you and experience abundance in married sex.
Learn to see the gift of your body, your beauty & your sexuality.
Friend, I think we’ve gotten some mixed messages about our bodies and our sexuality. Let’s see more of the goodness of God in our bodies, our femininity and in our marriage bed.
Many of us elevate the “spiritual” things and ignore the body, even seeing it as “the flesh” or something dangerous.
You were made to receive pleasure. God gave you five senses to delight in good things. Learn to align with your design and connect to pleasure in a new way.
As you walk in more truth and understanding, your ability to connect with your spouse can come alive in new ways. It’s not about sexual activity, rather pursuing true intimacy.
Let’s journey with God one step at a time. And, it can start today.
HI, I’m FRANCIe Winslow
Wife, Mom & intimacy evangelist ON A JOURNEY to discover more of God’s heart & healing touch.
God created you to live fully alive.
What would it look like to get curious about the wonderful ways he made you, which includes your sexuality?
There is so much hope for oneness, healing, connection and mission in marriage. This begins as we lean in and ask God to reveal His goodness through the gift of embodied love, nourishing sex and meaningful intimacy in marriage.
We are asking God to renew our vision of His plan for sex, marriage and Heaven coming through it all. And I have to tell you friends, it’s more beautiful, more meaningful and more powerful than we may have ever been told. It’s good news. I’m so glad you’re here with me.
heaven in your home
heaven in your home
Unpacking God’s heart on sex, marriage and His mission earth. Sex is so much more than the world shows you. Together, we are pursuing more freedom, abundance and joy in married sex.
a few POPULAR podcast EPISODES
sexual celebration with alexa pena vega
High & Low libidos
pleasure & orgasm with bonny burns
go deeper with
Get practical training and skills to experience more of the goodness God intended for married sex.
It’s not about knowing more, but getting equipped with confidence to grow more. These foundational courses will help you take practical steps to experience more abundance and connect to God’s healing design for married sex.

Three ways to get started and pursue growth:
Listen to the Podcast
Listen to the Heaven in Your Home podcast. We’re talking about real things, rooted in real truth. Be sure to subscribe so you get updates.
Courses to Go Deeper
Let’s lean in and learn more. You’ll find topical teaching to meet you right where you are.
Circle Group Mentorship
Women just like you are connected for monthly live teaching, access to Francie and other Circle members to find more freedom together.
what others experience
what others experience
“I love this perspective, grace and openness. It's reshaping my heart in a much needed way.”
Podcast Listener
“I feel closer to the
Lord and the chains are breaking off of me.”
Podcast Listener
“I'm on a journey now for the first time discovering what it means to be feminine and sexual. To see sex as something for me too and not just for my husband. I'm seeing it not as a duty but as a gift.”
Circle Member