the circle grouP MENTORSHIP
Inside the circle, we want to discover more of god’s DESIGN for joy in married sex.
You’ll put on a fresh lens for understanding intimacy and seeing the gift of your feminine body. In the beginning God created us, naked and unashamed. Let’s get back to a garden vision, empowered for holy pleasure. And, as you get more freedom and healing, you’ll become equipped to pass it along to the next generation.
Monthly Live Teaching
Monthly live video teaching calls and discussion with Francie Winslow, with replay available.
Regular Connection & Messaging
Through the Voxer group messaging platform, you have a safe place to ask question, get accountability and connect with Francie and other members.
Come as You Are
We don’t have it all figured out. Some of us have been married a few months, while others a few decades.

We’re getting beyond “needs” and “duty” because that’s not what intimacy is about.
Yes, God created your feminine body and called it good. Learn more about how you were designed, and even learn to bless your good body.
We often walk around overstimulated by our demanding lives. Let’s learn to get in touch with the five senses, slow down and tap into desire.
Yes, pleasure can mean orgasm…but, it’s so much more. Your body is created to delight and experience goodness and pleasure.
As you get more free, aligning with God’s design, you can also get equipped to pass freedom to your children and those in your circle of influence.
there’s a place for you in the circle
join the circle today
join the circle today
The Circle is a group mentorship, led by me, Francie Winslow. You can come as you are, whether you are newly married, newly discovering this kind of fresh thinking or ready to get equipped and share this truth with others. Join us and get access to our sweet community of women.
the circle frequently asked questions
The Circle is a group mentorship, led by Francie Winslow. You’ll have access to live teaching, our Voxer messaging group and the content library.
The Circle is for married or engaged women who want mentorship and a place to learn with others. The Circle is also a great space for leaders who want access to equipping.
This is a safe place to learn. You’re not expected to do anything. Come as you are!
Each month, typically the last Wednesday at 1:30 EST, Francie hosts a zoom call with 30 minutes of teaching and 30 minutes of discussion. The teaching portion is recorded and shared in the content library.
The Circle is $28 monthly or $280 annually (2 month discount). All proceeds support the people and technology to help keep the program running.
You are welcome when you are ready for more. If you’ve been listening to the podcast for a while and you’d like to track along and process with Francie, there’s a place for you in the Circle.
Don’t worry, I’ll lead with vulnerability and you can come as you are
What might happen if we circled up to discover what God-designed sexuality was all about?
Through the Circle Group Mentorship, we will unpack what God’s Word says about the wonderful ways God made our bodies and what that means for the ways we show up in our marriages and the marriage bed.
I simply cannot wait to see how God will continue to move in your life and mine.
This is a SWEET community of women, connected with the purpose of seeking God’s heart for their reclaiming a redeemed view of sex and sexuality. Inside the circle, we will explore and discover the good news about God’s heart for sex. You’ll put on a fresh lens for understanding intimacy.
Friend, the more educate, the more we can celebrate, the more we can integrate. Join me in the Circle today and let’s align with design.