Growth courses to go deeper
Get practical training and skills to experience more of the goodness God intended for married sex.
It’s not about knowing more, but getting equipped with confidence to grow more. These foundational courses will help you take practical steps to experience more abundance and connect to God’s healing design for married sex.
clearly see God’s design
untangle stuck places
put practicals into practice
You have permission break free from silence and shame & show up different way
Perhaps you’ve experienced silence or unhelpful messages about your body and your sexuality. You’ve heard about sex being a man’s need or a wife’s duty. You’ve been told your body is a stumbling block and that sexual desire is dirty. The “don’t do it, don’t do it” message is ingrained in your brain, even if you’re already married.
It’s no wonder you show up to marriage with questions and even some confusion, unable to access desire or express passion. While you want to find answers and learn how to make the shift from “don’t do it” to fully embracing the beauty of the marriage bed, there’s a lot of silence, hurt and unhelpful messages out there that keep us stuck.
This is a safe place to find real talk, real truth and real joy. We’ll unpack all the things you wish you knew (and things you didn’t even know you needed to know) about sex. Friend, you need to hear that God joyfully made you…every part of you, and called you good. Let’s get free as you understand and celebrate what God made. And, let’s trade pressure-filled sexual activity for meaningful, nourishing sexual intimacy in marriage.
201 COURSE: pleasure & orgasm
passion & practicals of a wife RECEIVING pleasure
We long to live according to our feminine design, but we often don’t know the path. This course is an invitation to reconnect to the beautiful and intentional design of your feminine body, sexuality and pleasure. You’ll get guidance for growth in many areas as you learn how your body works and how to gain a greater sense of comfort, confidence and desire as we illuminate the path to becoming orgasmic and experiencing head to toe pleasure. Get practical steps to go from pre-orgasmic to orgasmic and learn how to receive and enjoy pleasure for hours.
This course is great for wives, and highly recommended for husbands to learn alongside!
101 COURSE: strong foundations
strong foundation to starting well: claiming a healthy vision for married sex
To build a love that lasts, you must begin with a strong foundation. Whether you’re newly engaged or in need of a new lens, this course is essential. You’ll be equipped to set a Biblically integrated and practically grounded vision for sex, marriage and the calling to steward the gift of pleasure and intimacy. This course is pivotal as you begin to unlearn unhelpful perspectives and sift through shame, lies and painful messages your’ve received over the years. You’ll get a practical framework for reconnecting and blessing your sexuality, integrating your beliefs with your embodied experiences, and cultivating more meaningful lovemaking on your honeymoon and in the decades beyond.

IT’S TIME TO trade silence & shame for healing & growth.
Got questions?
Each course will be a series of Biblically-based teaching videos and practical application. Content will vary by course, but will be comprehensive in approach.
Start with the 101 Course: Strong Foundations. From there you can build, based on topics that interest you.
When you purchase a growth course, you will receive access to the online course. You can start at any time and go at your own pace.
The course is yours. You may access it at any time.
These courses are intended for individual purposes. If you have a group, we’d love to help you get access to meet your needs. Please be in touch!
We want you to be fully satisfied. Due to the nature of the digital materials, please contact our team within 24 hours of purchase so we may address your questions.