Ep. 199 | Summer Lovin’ Series: Week One, Stewarding Your Sexuality


Show Notes

Welcome to the Summer Lovin’ Series, where we are taking some of the most beloved episodes and bringing you equipping with a mix of mindset, mentoring and practicals to help you see the goodness of God in your bedroom and your body.

This week, we are looking at stewardship. 

His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’  Matthew 25

When you think about the parable of the talents your mind instantly gravitates toward stewarding your finances, your gifts, or even your health. But, have you ever thought about the faithfulness that might flow from stewarding your sexuality?

We get to steward the gift of our sexuality, with purpose and intention over the course of our life. And, faithfulness brings great benefits, including the unity that leads to fruitfulness within the context of marriage. Sex is not a duty, not a chore, not something to check off your list. It is something to enjoy, to pursue, to delight and to receive great pleasure.

Let’s learn a fresh viewpoint on stewardship and experience the joy of our Master.


Ep. 198 | Bigger Than a “Sex Talk” - Tools to Help You Teach Your Kids About Sex