Ep. 186 | Called to Pleasure: Rest, Arousal, Sensuality and Female Design


Show Notes

Your female body is an extravagant gift from God. 

He gave you a beautiful body and He’s called you to steward it well. Stewardship starts with knowing your body. And knowing that your female body was created for pleasure. When you look at the way you were designed, you can marvel at the Creator who made you with such a huge capacity for pleasure.

I want to hold open, celebratory conversations about the female body and have a different kind of conversation about pleasure. Friend, we’re continuing to lean into the Word of God and the works of God and see the beautiful design of the female body. 

Rest is key to your ability to receive relaxation, tap into your five senses and experience pleasure. Let’s discover the beauty of the feminine joy you were created to walk in.


Ep. 189 | The Art of Calming Stress


Ep. 185 | Living With Tension In Mothering: Sacrifice Or Rest